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Saturday, January 30, 2010

My wedding dress

I just got an idea semalam, macam mana nak design my wedding dress. I took a few ideas from existing wedding dress then i satukan semua idea. I ni ada idea, tapi i tak tau canne nak sketch. What i always do, i explain my idea to my friend, Bern, then dia akan sketch kan untuk i. Below are few pictures of my dream wedding dress.

The design will be something like this, since i think almost semua bride kat Malaysia will wear a sempit dresses with a corset inside dan dress panjang potongan duyung. Dress di atas memang akan ada corset juga cuma the different is bahagian bawah dress adalah kembang, ala ala fairy tale princess! So, this is the look of the inside of my dress. Untuk bahagian atas i will combine a kebaya style and a cheong sam neckline. I wont put a too conservative touch on the dress sebab my kebaya actually berlengan pendek. Something like this,

Now, the only thing that im worry is, tak boleh jumpa the rightand good tailor!

Old time favourite

Hari ni i rasa macam nak makan my old time favourite meal, nasi lemak as for my breakfast. I live in an area yang banyak giler stall nasi lemak. As long as you wake up early, sempat lah you beli.

Selalunya, i beli just right in front of my apartment, but today sajer nak bawak Iman jalan jalan, so i just drive around, nasi lemak hunting. I teringat satu stall yang dah agak lama jugak "beroperasi". So i decided to try out their nasi lemak today. i thought, kalau tak sedap takpe lah, memang i up to trying out any nasi lemak i could find. When i reached there, i tengok dia ada jual ayam rempah. My oh my.. lama jugak tak merasa ayam berempah. I think the last time i makan ayam ni, it was 6 months ago. lama tuh..!

When on the way back, i baru teringat, i asked them to put "nasi tambah" tapi, i tak tambah sambal, aduhh... mesti tak best sangat. Macam mana i boleh lupa? Selalunya, i always ask for extra rice plus extra sambal. And along the way i nak balik, banyak rupanya stall nasi lemak ayam rempah kat area USJ 3-4 nih.. maybe you can check it out if you live in this area.

Sampai jer rumah i terus boil water to make my black Nescafe Gold, nak di padankan dengan breakfast meal i!

When i tasted it, i was impressed, sebab sedap, my kind of sambal, and worth it to drive all the way to USJ area to buy this meal. For those who like sambal yang a bit manis, pedas, this is your nasi lemak. And the ayam, cukup rasa, rempah tak over sangat, manis, pedas memang ayam rempah terbaiklah!

So if you happen to live in this USJ area, i hope you can find this stall, dekat sangat dengan 2 petrol station, Shell & petronas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Im going to make 2010, MY YEAR!

Its been awhile, i mula menulis lagi. I rasa this is a appropriate time for me to tell new stories of me. i will totally change the whole concept, from "rintihan hati" to general information yang i boleh kongsi with the readers, IF ada yang baca!

This year, is a good year for me because, i have been blessed with a soulmate, Ash and mata hati, foster baby, Iman. Both of them are really important to me. And this year also, im getting engage. Sesi family introduction between me n Ash's family, dah selesai, dan alhamdullillah, i diterima dengan seikhlasnya. I really cant believe for the first time i was actually talking about engagement and wedding with my mom.

The whole weeks ive been browsing the internet, just nak tengok2 idea, warna dan konsep yang maybe i can gather to produce a new idea. So setakat ni, belum ada yang berkenan lah.

Insyallah in the next blog.