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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Travelogue - Nilai 3


Sorry, i know the tittle was a bit dramatic. Actually yesterday  i went to Nilai 3, to buy trays for my engagement. Well, i called this one a travelogue, al though my journey was to Nilai, still it took hours to get there and come back.

I chose Nilai 3 was because i had found the vintage tray that i wanted, but still i have to do some adjustment on my purchase yesterday. After everything done, i will post the picture here.

Kami bertolak around 1130am. Before we head up to Nilai, kami singgah ke Papa Rich, Taipan. This time i had Kuey teow sup. Sedap. I think i prefer Papa Rich daripada Old Town. Aku dah try Old Town food few times, tapi selalu nye ada saje cacat nye makanan dorang! Entah, mungkin bukan selera aku kot.

things that happened on our morning.

Anyway, lepas jer breakfast, we continued journey ke Nilai 3. Nasi baik Iman dah kenyang, so she slept sepanjang perjalanan. The weather memang panas giler. Bila dah sampai, aku just grab whatever i needed dan terus balik Subang. Aku n bukan nye, bangsa yang jalan2, window shopping, lagi2 dengan weather yang panas macam nih. So now i have the trays, cuma tinggal nak fikirkan hiasan nye!

Kedai TQ - Kedai pengantin di Nilai 3

On the way balik, kami terserempak dengan team bomba tengah bertungkus lumus memadamkan bukit tepi jalan yang tebakar. takdelah teruk sangat tapi cukup untuk membuatkan aku naik suspen!

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