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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

She's ours!

Ever since I have Iman, my life has never been so funny. Iman is Ash and I, 16 months old foster child. She is in a process growing up, so she picked up new skills and habits along the way. Sometimes it’s a ‘wow’ skill, sometimes its ‘WO!!!’ skill. Either one, to me it’s still funny in the end.

I still remembered when she was 8-10 months, she has this habit which really got to my nerve. ‘Moping’ the floor with her tongue or taste all things that she can find. At that age, she can only crawl, so she has an advantage of tasting the floor whenever she…crawl! Sometimes she will picked up stuff on the floor and quickly put it in her mouth. I’m telling you, this was the weariest stage in child growing up phase. Well, at least to me, because I think I have just a little bit of OCD!! You know how this OCD thing strikes! Anyway, this commotion went on until she was 1 year old.

Before she started standing up and walking, she has this funny habit. She always gets her butt up and her head down. Sometimes she did it in purpose, and she will scream when she was on that position. When she was exactly 1 year, she has found new skill, walking. At first, she got the help from the wall, chairs, couch, and slowly, she unfold the skill. The commotion she created on this stage was a bit heart thumping, because her willpower overcomes the pain from falling. Frankly speaking, she had knocked her head few times, and because of that we had to spread carpets. Fortunately my mother’s house is small, so we managed to cover the whole house. And on this period, it required you to do a bit of running.

And now she managed to climb all chairs and couch, jumping an inch high, or running in one place, opening kitchen drawers, pick out all the stuff in the drawer, but the most precious skill she had discovered was, learning how to talk and pointing things that she wanted with a funny sound, “neh! neh!” She can say ‘thantekk’ which is ‘cantik’, every time she put something on her hair or head, because I say it all the time when I put on her hair clip or hat. Now she basically understands what I’m trying to tell her or say to her.

Al though sometimes I sigh of tiredness, she still capable to make me feel happy even it’s only a bit. Ohhh… she is a mischievous little girl, but she is still our cute little girl.

1 comment:

false messiah said...

i miss a lot of her growing la babe..hiss..