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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

diiiiaaa datanngg....dengan lengang lenggok nyeee!

Hari ni, aku rasa nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu. Tengok camne..?

Aku nye future fiancé, Ash nak balik hari Jumaat ni daripada Riyadh, aku excited giler, tapi dalam hati jer. Sebab aku bukan budak kecik lagi kot, tak leh nak express betul-betul.

Aku mula menghitung waktu, sebab hari nak hitung pun dah tinggal satu hari, nak hitung apa lagikan..? So..hitung masa jer lah. Ash bagitau, dia balik hari Khamis, tapi sampai Malaysia, hari Jumaat lah. Aku mula lah plan itu ini, tapi aku rasa kali ni aku akan guna sebaik mungkin dslr aku. Punye lah beli mahal-mahal, bersemangat giler, sekarang? Main letak jer dalam kotak bawah dressing table kat lam bilik. Apa laah!

Untuk meredakan ledakan excitement hati aku nih, baik aku cakap sikit pasal kain bertunang yang aku beli last Saturday. Aku beli kat Subang jer, malas betul nak gi KL lebih lebih lagi pergi area kain kat JTAR. Adduuuiii dah lah panas kan, dengan aku nih, yang berat badan semakin bertambah, takleh nak pakai seluar pendek, skinny jeans semua dah semakin ketat. Pastuh, sekarang tetiba rasa segan nak pakai baju terdedah dedah, dah tua kot..!, anyway, aku beli jer lah kat butik Maya kat dalam Mydn Mall, USJ. Boleh.. lah harga around RM265 for 2 meter. Aku pun kira puas hati jugak lah dengan warna and corak lace nya. Thank god jugak aku dah jumpa, sebab aku rasa kalau aku gi KL, mau nye aku terduduk tak boleh nak decide kan..? Warna aku beli is pink terang, a.ahh, yang pelik nya aku sekarang obsess sungguh dengan rona pink, tak tau kenapa. Dulu aku ingat lagi, kawan aku suka sangat pink, aku sampai nak termuntah tengok barang barang, baju seluar dia mesti ada warna pink. Sekarang giliran aku pulak, takdelah aku ni dipenuhi dengan rona pinnnnkkk memanjangkan.. just here and there jer.

Tapi kalau masa kawin dapat buat suasana pink best jugak! Camniihhh…!!

Masa kat mall tu, Iman lah pulak ternampak kete kete “token”, apa lagiii! Dia mula panjat satu satu kete kete tu. Ini lah kali pertama dia naik benda nih, kesian anak kami..!

sekarang, aku nak mula mengira masa balik lah. :)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Iman's first pasta meal.

Today I tried new recipe for Iman. I know she kinda fed up with her every day food. Rice porridge with chicken, rice porridge with fish, rice porridge with mice beef, every day rice porridge! Even I got fed up cooking it every day.

So today, I cooked ‘Cheesy Chicken Pasrice’. Pasrice, is because, pasta + a bit of rice. :-)
It is so easy.

A fistful of Heinz ABC pasta (suitable for 7 months plus baby)
3 big spoon of rice
Minced chicken
Carrot diced
1 sliced cheese
A dash of salt
2 tea spoon of butter
Sufficient water to boil

Boil rice and pasta together with water. Add carrot and stir, make sure the water isn’t dry up. If this happen don’t hesitate to add some water. When rice and pasta look a bit soft and expend, add chicken. When the chicken meat turns white, you can add in butter and cheese. Keep stirring, when it turns into a bit creamy, add some salt. Done!

Thank God, Iman loves it!

Selamat Mencuba!
p/s: this is the first time I write recipe. So I hope I won’t confuse you. :-)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I just had pasta gabush meatball. Well, I called it gabush meatball is because I cooked the normal Bolognese sauce with minced beef plus meatball. No instant or bottle sauce for me! It’s all my original recepi. Its kinda really meaty lunch. And I love angel hair! Any way, dessert I heated up Gardenia chocolate twiggies. Don’t heat it up too long, the cake might get too soft, just heat up to make the chocolate a bit melt.

what would happen if i spread some vanilla ice cream on this cutey? hmmm..! :))

I’m sooo in love with food!!

Be careful what you wish for

When I was in my 20’s I always dream to have a voluptuous body. This is because I was really thin. In fact, I was under weight once. I have the same problem with an over weight person, struggling to have our dream body.

Most of my girl friends busy with dieting, but me, busy trying to fill my mouth with food. My weight never went pass 45kg. It was always 43kg the highest and 38kg the lowest. And I am about 168cm. So I do look like a skeleton. No matter how much I ate, my weight stayed lower than what I wanted. Some people told me, maybe it’s the gene, yeah.. my mother was skinny before she got married. Some people told I party too much. What ever they say, I still unhappy with how I look that time.

When I got my previous job, I slowly gaining weight. I started to listen to some professional advice, I worked out. I was happy at work, I started eating good food and smoke less. And one of the factor is, my age. When I reached 30, the metabolism are low. So I pretty much gaining weight easily.

And today, I am 51kg. I stop smoking and I eat like a pig. Like this morning I just finished 2 bundles of nasi lemak, and now I’m preparing a spaghetti meatball for lunch! Now I am worry about the fat tummy and thigh! Will i fit my wedding dress? am i going to 'bersimpuh' if my thigh and butt are too big?! .. will this color make me look fat..? and the question went on and on... and onnnnn!

So to all skinny teenagers, don’t worry if u are bonny than your friend or you have flat chest, believe me you will get the body you want when you reach 30! So enjoy and be grateful what you have today, because you may miss it one day! Heh..!
'punye lah lapar, sampai tak sempat nak pindah nasi dalam pinggan! :-p'

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

She's ours!

Ever since I have Iman, my life has never been so funny. Iman is Ash and I, 16 months old foster child. She is in a process growing up, so she picked up new skills and habits along the way. Sometimes it’s a ‘wow’ skill, sometimes its ‘WO!!!’ skill. Either one, to me it’s still funny in the end.

I still remembered when she was 8-10 months, she has this habit which really got to my nerve. ‘Moping’ the floor with her tongue or taste all things that she can find. At that age, she can only crawl, so she has an advantage of tasting the floor whenever she…crawl! Sometimes she will picked up stuff on the floor and quickly put it in her mouth. I’m telling you, this was the weariest stage in child growing up phase. Well, at least to me, because I think I have just a little bit of OCD!! You know how this OCD thing strikes! Anyway, this commotion went on until she was 1 year old.

Before she started standing up and walking, she has this funny habit. She always gets her butt up and her head down. Sometimes she did it in purpose, and she will scream when she was on that position. When she was exactly 1 year, she has found new skill, walking. At first, she got the help from the wall, chairs, couch, and slowly, she unfold the skill. The commotion she created on this stage was a bit heart thumping, because her willpower overcomes the pain from falling. Frankly speaking, she had knocked her head few times, and because of that we had to spread carpets. Fortunately my mother’s house is small, so we managed to cover the whole house. And on this period, it required you to do a bit of running.

And now she managed to climb all chairs and couch, jumping an inch high, or running in one place, opening kitchen drawers, pick out all the stuff in the drawer, but the most precious skill she had discovered was, learning how to talk and pointing things that she wanted with a funny sound, “neh! neh!” She can say ‘thantekk’ which is ‘cantik’, every time she put something on her hair or head, because I say it all the time when I put on her hair clip or hat. Now she basically understands what I’m trying to tell her or say to her.

Al though sometimes I sigh of tiredness, she still capable to make me feel happy even it’s only a bit. Ohhh… she is a mischievous little girl, but she is still our cute little girl.

Monday, March 1, 2010

26th Febuary, 2010, DnA Merisik Day

On last 26th February, was my “merisik” day. Until today, I still couldn’t believe that I am going to be someone’s wife. The day started with not so good ambience. I received a text from used to be my best friend. Wasn’t a good thing to be discussed here, that’s all I can say. All I know, things will not be like before which I accepted with an open heart.

Anyway, after I’ve done my routine, we, which are, I, my mother and my Wa Eder and Wa Sal, carried the chairs and spread carpets almost covered the living room. When we’re done, I smiled cause this remind me of the old days when my aunties got married, we cleaned the house, spread the carpets, cook, the whole surrounding is just like a nostalgia.

After I picked up our “day maid” I continued with my last chore, cook. My mother asked me to cook one main dish other than the normal afternoon tea snacks. So I cook my famous fried pasta.

At around 5pm Ash’s family finally came. The ceremony went smoothly and to my surprised Ash’s mother presented a simple “belah rotan” white gold ring. This ring is a proved that the 2 families have agreed that their 2 children will finally tie the knot.

White Belah Rotan Ring
My family

Ash was right we should hire a photographer. The only thing that i regret was we didnt get to take photo with the whole Ash's family.